GT Legends Pau Circuit (Modern Layout)
One of the great historic racing games (in my opinion) is GT Legends, the basic game is great but there are a lot of add-ons and mods available to make it an excellent way to learn new circuits and play around in old cars.
It’s an old game (2005) but.. that means that it runs really well on modern hardware (I run it emulated in WINE on OSX!) and it’s cheap (about a fiver on Steam). The base pack includes some great cars
One thing I wanted to do with it was to learn the layout of the Pau circuit and whilst there is a historic version (1967) available, I couldn’t find the modern F3 circuit that’s in use today.
So I set out to see if I could make it.. it turned out I couldn’t.. but what I could do is port a version that someone else (Khan1670) had done for GTR2 into the format required for GT Legends.
It works pretty well except race mode isn’t great, from memory you start from the pits but as I was using it to learn the track this didn’t bother me.
I’ve been meaning to upload it for a while, it’s exactly as I remember Pau when I raced there with the Legendary Circuits series.
Hopefully you will find it useful.
You can download it here
To install it you should only need to unzip it into the GameData/Locations folder in your GT Legends install.
By the way, there’s a simple hack to unlock all cars and circuits in the game. You simply need to create a file called TG2001.DYN in the ‘GT Legends’ folder and create a new driver profile. The new profile will then have access to everything.
Here’s a video of a lap around the circuit..