Loading radar data...

Placeholder image


Colour key

Light Rain
Heavy Rain

About & Credits

The RichyRichRacing circuit rain map uses open weather and rain radar data to display a live precipitation map, it's a tool to help plan your race strategy.

It shows a rolling animation of the last 30 minutes of precipitation for a selection of circuits so you can see how quickly rain is moving, how heavy it is and in which direction it's going.

It will automatically update itself with the latest data, so you can leave it open and keep checking back.

The concentric circles indicate distance in exponentially increasing steps. The first has a radius of 1km, then 2km, 4km, 8km and 16km.

If you have any comments, or would like a particular circuit adding please contact richy@richyrichracing.com

Rain data is courtesy of the excellent RainViewer API and the maps are from OpenStreetMap